Yoga in Preschool


We have recently added a yoga class to our program and so far we are loving it! Today marked our second class and we are already seeing the benefits. The children thoroughly enjoy attempting the poses and their balance and focus is improving. A lot of the poses our instructor, Miss Victoria, shows them must be done as a team and requires them to trust not only her but their classmates. It is a great form of exercise. I heard even my most active children comment about how hard it was to hold the poses. It was a challenge and they were eager to accept it.

Miss Victoria also teaches a lesson to go along with our yoga poses. Today she started by teaching the children a sun salutation. This went along well with what the children are already learning about winter. We celebrate the light and the dark.


We also read the book , The Very Lonely Firefly by Eric Carle and practiced the Candle Pose. Very Challenging!


We ended our class by taking a imaginary journey through the Rain Forest to find our own rainbow. The children absolutely loved this part. This exercise teaches the children how to calm themselves. I am seeing an improvement in even my most wiggly kids. I cannot wait to see where our yoga journey takes us. Namaste.